Thursday, February 25, 2010

How Can Vegetarians Get Enough Zinc How To Gain Some Weight? A Bit Of Muscle?

How to gain some weight? A bit of muscle? - how can vegetarians get enough zinc

I lost weight like crazy the last month and a half. All my clothes have become too big! I have about three inches in my waist. I'm already small enough! If you go this route, I am underweight. I can only lose six pounds now and be healthy, so now I have to lose seven underweight.

I am fourteen years. I'm 5'1 "tall and weight 104 pounds now.

My doctor says I can be anywhere from 98 to 132 pounds. I get very close, I think, in my more healthy weight.

So, what can I eat to gain weight? What exercises can I do? I would like to gain some muscles. I like the idea, in a position to defend myself.

But Thing, I'm a vegetarian. So is it really limits what is in my diet. I would prefer a little weight, eat meat, so please do not tell me.

I get an adequate amount of protein, iron, zinc, calcium, vitamin D and vitamin B12. I do it.

What should I eat? What exercises can I do? I want to win only a low weight and some muscles ... I think 115-120 pounds would be ideal.

Help, please?


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