Monday, January 25, 2010

Sky High Trampolin Producent Why Is The Unemployment Rates Sky High For American Indians?

Why is the unemployment rates sky high for American Indians? - sky high trampolin producent

My father and I are a bit of a discussion about why such a high number, refused to hear the thoughts of others.

Thank you.

Oh, and I am referring to the unemployment, the economic downturn.


Mr.TwoCr... said...

Location, location, location.

Simple as that.

Most reserves are more than one hours drive from major cities. This was done intentionally. Sun had "white Americans to do anything with us.

Doing a little research there are cards on the market. Overlay maps of the top reserves in the major cities, and you will see clearly.

marcia f said...

It is a culture that for millions of years of life on Earth. They prayed some birds and animals and the 4 seasons. They are very spiritual people. Material things have little meaning for them. They grow in nature. The best way to explain it is by comparison. Take a purebred dog, say German Shorthair Pointer. If you are only a few weeks they have something to do. Your body will stop an arrow, and for a few minutes. It is very nice, but the point is that it is bred in them. Many cultures of mankind are the same. The Indians were always the genes of their culture of origin are high. Many marry and beget their own kind, and home decor. Therefore, you must think of Native Americans. You will need much time to spend it. This is not just in his nature to work for someone else. They work for their tribe. But the cooperation with them is of the earth. You art and craft, and that is their contribution to our society. They are the only people really Americans. Pure. The European culture neveR could understand the ways of Native Americans, but it would have been much better if they had. We all would be better if we more like them. Greed is not a word in your language. The Europeans believed, ignorant and barbaric. In fact, were much more civilized than the Europeans.

Estelle said...

theres not many jobs on the reservation, it is true. But most Indians do not live in the reserve now. I would say, especially the creation of the Authority has a lot to do with it. What do you and your father?

Ed the freshman (5 MoRe DaYs) said...

Do you have sources that can prove it?

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